Why Do You Need a Good Asphalt Subbase?

The best way to erode the integrity of a newly paved road or parking lot, is to improperly prepare what can’t be seen. Like many things in life, the finished product is just a small piece of the effort and time that went into it. That’s especially true when talking about asphalt paving...

April 21, 2021


If you look at anything that’s intended to have longevity, i.e., a healthy habit, a career, a relationship, and especially a building project, you must have a good subbase. Take asphalt surfacing for instance. The best way to erode the integrity of a newly paved road or parking lot, is to improperly prepare what can’t be seen. Like many things in life, the finished product is just a small piece of the effort and time that went into it. That’s especially true when talking about asphalt paving.

What’s Involved?

A proper asphalt subbase will have undergone certain procedures and contain certain materials to be considered strong and durable. A good base of compact rock and sand, infused with water, and rolled to achieve dense layers, is a great start. As a quick test, if you drag your foot across the rolled surface and the materials don’t break free, you’re moving in the right direction. Once that compacted surface has had adequate time to dry, it’s ready for the asphalt topping.

Proper Drainage

Nearly every driving adult has experienced a road or a parking lot that has standing water after a heavy rain. Although you might not have given it much thought at the time, that water could be a byproduct of how the asphalt subbase was prepared. Every asphalt paving job requires a subbase that properly directs water away from the surface, through precise grading and/or underground drainage. Improper construction can lead to low spots in the asphalt surface, which is a magnet to standing water, and a hazard to those that use it.

Minimize Repairs

When moisture pools on an asphalt surface, it can be an indication that the subbase beneath has been sinking over time, or that it wasn’t properly constructed to begin with. As a subbase loses its integrity and sinks, the natural byproduct is for the asphalt surface to begin cracking, requiring repair. Although this can be part of the natural aging process, a strong subbase will help to prevent premature cracking and postpone unwanted repairs.

Safer Surfaces

Asphalt paving has one overriding purpose: To allow people safe, consistent travel. No matter your mode of transportation, a compromised asphalt subbase that has developed cracks and dips in the asphalt, is far less safe. This is of particular importance to RiverBend Materials. We create roads and parking lots with the purpose of creating safe conditions for all who use them. A good subbase allows us to accomplish that on every job.

As you prepare for your next asphalt paving project, we urge you to keep these principles in mind. Better yet, give RiverBend Materials a call, send us a message, or request a quote for your next project. We’ve got the unique equipment, professional staff, and the industry expertise that’s required to produce safe roads and parking lots, every time.